Sunday, September 8, 2013

Snowskin Mooncake with Mung Bean Filling

My 2nd patch of snowskin mooncakes. It's the same recipe as before, but the process of making it is different. Instead of adding the water portion one at a time I mixed the milk and condensed milk together, poured it gradually in portions, and then added the oil last. Before steaming it I whisked it a few times so the oil wouldn't sit at the top. However when it was done there was an oily surface on top. (maybe because I waited a while until I steamed it)

I also did another trial test for the kneading/cooling. One of them was cooled then kneaded. The other was kneaded immediately after taken out of the steamer. I used a paddle to break the dough first and mixed it into a mall. I preferred this method, but I'm not sure if this made the dough a lot tougher. 

Anyway, I tested out the previous recipe and a new one (both from Christine.) The "heart" recipe  has a more tougher and a more sturdy texture. When flattening it into a dough, its has a texture similar to making potsticker (but not dry). It wasn't as smooth as the previous recipe and just a tad sticky. When putting the filling it, the dough barely stuck to my fingers even if I just washed my hands and rolled the dough.

My mold is small, unfortunately, so my ratios are quite small. It made about 14 mooncakes. (dough 20g filling 30 g) I prefer the mung bean ones because they are less sweet.

Recipe Source: Christine 

Previous recipe : very smooth, stuck to tooth, but SMOOTH
Trial 2: More tough texture, similar to the hk popular brand mooncakes, but its not smooth. 

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