Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mini Lemon Meringue Pies

After watching Masterchef I was suddenly inspired to make these small Lemon Meringue Pie. I thought it would be fairly simple since I already knew how to make the meringue, but the results we're not what I hoped for. 
 They looked wonderful as they were put into the oven, but it was only half cooked when it came out. I'm not used to making much of American dessert, so I ended up with an uncooked pie with a cooked meringue and lemon curd.
The lemon curt gave me a slight headache, probably because the crust wasn't cooked and made it liquid-like near the bottom. I guess the only good part about this recipe is the meringue...(but that was a bit too sweet). I'm definitely not making this again. 

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