Hmm another day of steamed buns. Compared to the dough for mantou, cha siu bao's dough needs to be lighter and a bit more on the moist side. If the dough feels like mantou, it is going to be dense with a bit of choking feeling to it.
Since I had extra dough left over, I used it for a steamed hot dog bun. Although the dough for hot dog buns are suppose to be the same texture as mantou dough, I prefer the dough used for cha siu bao.
Adding a tsp of lemon juice into the dough or into the water used to steam it will result into a whiter skin. You can also spray the buns slightly with water before steaming for a smother outside layer. Since I'm just making these buns for my family, I omit the spraying part.
I'm still getting used to wrapping the buns. Sometimes they are fully closed but most of the time I end up with one that looks like a belly button (or a rose)
Unlike the Cha Siu Bao's you buy from stores, I omit the red food coloring and reduce the sauces. The sauces outside have more oil and sauce which gives them more of a liquid and dark appearance. I prefer a more light filling, therefore its guilt-free!
Recipe Source: Rasa Malaysia
Makes 15 buns (45g)
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