It's time to move on to other recipes. After making chiffon cake for a while, it gets a bit tiring. Since my mom always makes steamed buns, I though Ayyy why not give it a try as well.
I actually don't remember the recipe for this one. (probably because the mantou above were made from my mama instead. We added a bit of flaxseed for that extra fiber and hint of Omega 3 into our diet. It barely alters the taste though.
These flaxseed flower steamed buns are actually my first attempt at making steamed buns on my own. My mama is usually the one who likes to make steamed buns while I on the other hand prefer baking. I had trouble twisting the buns until I finally got the distance between the cuts and the length of the dough right. Before I steamed it, they looked pretty nice. The key to getting the nice layers to fold out is the nice swab of oil before twisting, but I hate using oil so giving up a pretty bun for a less oily flavor is good enough for me
We only used the head of the scallion, so it had a really strong flavor to. Next time I'll probably add the leafy portions of the scallion for more flavor and for a more appealing look as well. Without the greens it just looks like splotches of brown....
- Rolling it out in an oval shape. The wider it is the more the dough is going to overlap when you try to twist it
- Don't forget to oil before cutting to prevent the cuts from sticking onto each other
- Steam high for 6min and medium for 2
- If you spray the buns before steaming, it gives a silky texture (I didn't do this since I lost my spray bottle...)
- ADD the leafyy part of the scallions.
Recipe source: Wendy
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